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Friday 16 August 2013

Ingridients for uping your communication skills

Good communication skills are required in each and every aspect of life, whether is verbal or non-verbal.  An individual has to develop this kind of skills at an early stage. The fact is that there are so many university students who really have to up their game, when it comes to communicating, either by a written extract or a delivery of a speech. It is such a disgrace to find an honours graduate stuttering.

Below are the ingredients to top up your communication skills:

To become a better communicator, then follow these three simple steps.
Step One: Choose a model, somebody whom you’d like to emulate. This can be anybody. Somebody you know, a teacher, anybody. Watch them, in your mind, communicating in just the way you’d like to.
Step Two: Now, instead of seeing them communicate, watch yourself doing the talking. Get a sense that you are talking just like they are. Switch back and forth, between them and you, until you feel as if the two of you are on the same level.
Step Three: Now float on over into their body, (which is now your body) and get a feel for what it’s like to communicate just like them.
Try this out, and have fun! The more you do this on a regular basis, the more useful it will be. Pretty soon you’ll be able to do this in real time, while you’re watching somebody else communicate.

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